In Memory

Ken Saglibene

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01/30/12 08:22 AM #1    

Salvatore Celona


We lost you, way too early, this past October 2011.

You were a true individualist..your own man and a

fighter right to the end!

See you on the "other side"


Your Cousin Sal

11/15/14 09:35 PM #2    

Roseanne Lipari (Martin)

Dear Kenny, so sorry to learn of your passing. You were one of our Thornwood "bunch", I remember you as a shy kid in Thornwood Columbus Ave. school, but when you were around kids you knew you were one of the "Thornwood Crew". I will always remember you at the Thornwood "open air movies" every Wed.night, in the summer, down at the Kensico School. I thought I was in heaven that year.  It was 1957 and I just moved up from Brooklyn, I was 12 at the time & coming from the city, with the old schools, & nothing but pavement & 5 story walk up schools, I did think I was in heaven. Columbus Ave school was just opened that year & we were all the first students to use that beautiful school. I remember you & Brian Dwyer, Terry Intrary, Marino Rontondo, Lillian Strachen, Phyllis loPicolo, Vern Mucci, Rosemarie Rinia,& all the other kids, fooling around in those terrific class rooms, lol,lol. You all made me feel like I was one of your friends already. It made my transition from that dirty old school in the city to the beautiful, one story, modern school, in Thornwood, much easier. Rest in peace my friend you will never be forgotten.  Roseanne Lipari Martin

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