Jason Butler

Profile Updated: July 9, 2019
Residing In: Millersville, MD USA
Spouse/Partner: Jennifer Butler
Homepage: View Website
Children: Katerina Noelle Butler, born 11/20/1998.


Jennifer and I purchased a new home, it's new construction which is our "forever" home. Katerina is doing very well at Old Mill High School. She is a super junior and will be attending as a senior next academic school year. I assume Katerina will be quite popular as a 21 year old senior. I'm still working for Northrop Grumman near Baltimore. Can't believe it's been 20 years....I thought it would be for a few years, then move onto something different (who knew). I've run the Bay Bridge run the last 2 years and will be running several races again this year. Looking forward to seeing everyone!

As promised, an update of my last 20 years and just in time for the reunion. So let's go :)
1. Spring 89, the day after graduation I packed up and spent the summer at the beach. Followed by the next 3 summers working at Grotto Pizza. It was an experience, many thanks to my bud Frank Wade.
2. Fall 89, welcome to the U of MD, College Park, the college years begin.
3. Spring 90, investigate the fraternity scene and become a member of Phi Kappa Sigma.
4. A member of my pledge class, Steve Turner, LaPlata 87, would later become my best man and Katerina's Godfather. (More Later)
5. Fall 90, let's say that for me, fraternity life and scholarship didn't mix well. I took a semester off to earn $$$ and reprioritize.
6. Winter 92/93, got a job at El Torito in Greenbelt and met a lovely young woman named Jeniffer. (More Later)
7. May 94, Pomp and Circumstance, Graduation day from U of MD, College Park. (More Later)
8. Valentine's Day 95, drop down on one knee and propose to Jennifer. (See #6)
9. May 95, What do you mean those credits didn't count??? (See #7) Pomp and Circumstance for real this time.
10. June 97, U of MD Chapel, I have the honor of watching Jennifer walk down the aisle to become my friend and partner for life. Steve remembers to bring the ring. (See #4)
11. November 1998, just in time I earn a job with my current employer, Northrop Grumman. No more having to wear name tags or "Flair", see the movie Office Space for a definition.
12. November, 20, 1998, welcome to the world Katerina Noelle Butler, Mommy and Daddy will love you forever.
13. October 99, hello 1st mortgage payment and HELLO mortgage interest and child tax deduction, Whoo Hoo.
14. Y2K, we receive a diagnosis of autism concerning Katerina. Life changes. www.autismspeaks.org for more information concerning autism.
15. April 2004, Bahamas... come on crazy Mama, the first vacation in years. Breezes resort in Nassau and the experience was out of this world. The trip home...not so much, delayed and missed flights.
16. August 2004, Katerina, welcome to Millersville Elementary School and 1st grade. Also, this is our new home.
17. October 2007, happy 10th birthday down in Florida. We'll visit Disney World, Sea World, Discovery Cove and actually get to see a Space Shuttle launch.
18. Day in and day out, who would *$#@*%$ believed that 20 years have passed. Where did the time go?
19. June 2009, paid perfectly good money to jump out of a perfectly good aircraft. I have to say, I think I'm hooked.
20. August 2009, I am very much looking forward to seeing and meeting up with everyone again for the 20th reunion.

Hello everyone, I'm aware that I've kind of disappeared since the 10th reunion, life got in the way. However, I am very much looking forward to getting back, and more importantly, staying in touch with friends.

Jason Butler

School Story:

I'm pretty sure I hosted a party or two back in the day. Because I remember seeing lots of photos of people inside and outside of my house with various containers of alcoholic beverages in their hands. These photos were displayed on the the movie screen at Class Night. Needless to say, my parents weren't quite aware of my activities when they left me to (responsibly) look after the house when they were away.

Lastly, I spent my entire senior year during wrestling season on restriction because someone stuffed an empty beer can into our newspaper bin. Come on...the parents always get the paper in the morning. I cleaned five neighbors yard's of empties and got busted for one can :)

Thank God, they never found out about diving off the roof of the house into the pool :)

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May 12, 2024 at 4:33 AM
Jason Butler has a birthday today.
May 12, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Jason Butler has a birthday today.
May 12, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Jason Butler has a birthday today.
May 12, 2021 at 4:33 AM
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May 12, 2020 at 4:34 AM
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Jan 08, 2020 at 9:14 PM
May 22, 2014 at 12:09 PM

Yeah! Can't wait to see you!

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Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:58 PM
Howdy, I just stepped out into the wild blue yonder. Perfectly good money to jump out of a perfectly good aircraft. Details: Jump altitude, 16,000 feet. Descent velocity, 125 mph. Free fall, 60 seconds.
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:58 PM
Katerina celebrating the big "10" with a flippery friend down at Discovery Cove nearby Disney World and Sea World. We all got to share in the fun.
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:58 PM
I don't remember if it was catnip or cream/sugar I put in that mug :)
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:58 PM
Having much fun at an after school skating party with Katerina. 20 years ago I could fly around the rink backwards with my eyes closed. That day, standing upright and not slipping and kicking out Katerina's skates was a challenge.