In Memory

Darrel Broussard

Darryl John Broussard passed July 28,2009...interred July 30,2009. He was born December 4,1951.He is survived by his spouse Alice,daughters Victoria,Alyshia,Dawn & 4 grand children...His memorial was held at the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church... The Class of 70 will miss his charming wit !!!

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04/06/14 06:34 PM #1    

Sandra J. Smith/Lee

I am filled with sadness to learn that we lost our dear classmate Darryl. He was my high school crush (and I suspect the crush of a lot of other girls) and we used to have so much fun together. I remember that he played the sax. There was always such a special kindness about him. I always thought that I would see him again. We would have had so much to laugh about. My prayers go up for him and his family. It must have been a great loss to them. I will forever remember that big long Wildcat he drove to school a million years ago. And I will miss his smile.

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