Missing Classmates

We need your help finding our missing or 'no recent contact' classmates!

We have not had recent contact with any of the classmates listed below.  In some cases we believe that we may have a good address, but no responses to mailings, etc.  Some are simply where we have no good email on file any longer.  If you have any information, or if you have contact with any of them, then please encourage them to close the loop, even if just to tell us they want to remain 'missing.'  THANKS!!!

Darrin Carlson
Diane Carr (Farley)
Mitch Cater
Chris Engstrom
Roy Francis
Jack Hewitt
Teresa Hult (Shepard)
Andrea Kinsley (Strzalka)
Don LaCroix
Scott Lilly
Mike Maish
Charles McClure
Karen Mongan
Brad Moore
Elizabeth Nally (Barton)
Sam Papasevastos
Chris Todd (Szoke)
Wylie Voss
Laurie Weissmann (Sodaro)
Rodney Wright
Steven Wright