Girls of 64! Be sure to check out the What's New Page for Girls Luncheon information headed up by Leila Daniels (Phelps).
This FREE to you site was created to promote, celebrate and reconnect with all classmates of Washington Park High School who graduated in 1964, or not quite, moved away and/or finished at another school. Anyone who attended from 1962 to 1964 is welcome here.
To join, simply click on "Classmate Profiles" on the left side of this page, click on your name and follow the "JOIN HERE" directions.
Be sure to click on "What's New" on the left to see postings from various classmates! Our website is a work in progress so check back often for updates! If you have any suggestions, corrections, info you think should be posted, etc., please let us know. This FREE-to-you site was created to promote, celebrate and reconnect with all members of Washington Park
Welcome to our Class of 1964 Web Site! Web Master: Lynne (Manke) Eaton