40th Reunion Survey

Hello everyone, we are approaching 40 years since our class graduated at Broughton. Under normal circumstances, it would be time to start thinking about our 40th reunion. Given the COVID-19 situation that is expected to worsen through the winter and a workable vaccine being a year away in quantity combined with economic challenges many are facing, I wanted to get some feedback on how people would like to proceed with plans for a 40th class reunion. So, there are a few questions here and everyone can see the cumulative results as people respond, but no one can see any specific individuals answers.

Thank you

Bill Ott



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* Answer Required
1)   * Would you plan to attend a reunion if held at an indoor venue in 2021?

Yes No
2)   * Would you plan to attend a reunion if held at an outdoor venue in 2021?

Yes No
3)   * Would you plan to attend a reunion event in 2021 if masks were required?

Yes No
4)   * Would you be more comfortable having a reunion event scheduled in 2022 rather than 2021?

Yes No
5)   * For the 40th reunion, would you prefer to have a fancy or casual type of affair?

6)   * Would you prefer an outdoor cookout / BBQ type of event or an indoor event at a restaurant or nightclub?

7)   * Would you prefer a Saturday afternoon event, or a Saturday night event?

8)   * Would you prefer a 40th reunion that had no ticket costs, you simply pay for what you eat or drink off of the normal menu of the restaurant if we held the event in that manner?

Yes No
9)   * If we held the reunion event in a location that did involve some costs, given the current economic situation, what would be the most you are comfortable paying for a ticket? (Whatever is decided, no one will be excluded because of costs. As with the past two reunions, we will have a confidential way to cover anyone that needs assistance.)

10)   * In general, when thinking about scheduling and conflicts with family events, sports schedules, work schedules, etc... Do you prefer a reunion event in the Winter, Spring, Summer, or Fall?

11)   Please feel free to give some feedback and ideas in the comment box here. There is absolutely nothing planned right now, the slate is blank. If you have some thoughts or ideas on what you would like to do, please express them here. Thank you!

