In Memory

Phylicia A. Williams

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08/18/08 07:35 AM #1    

Yolanda D. McGill

I have a great photo of Phylicia, smiling in the library with Chad Wilkins (i think it was after our involuntary SURPRISE Quiz Bowl....ah, Gurganus' German class) but it is oldschool hard copy and i cannot upload - but it is quintessential Phylicia - sweet smile, braces and all, huge eyes making loads of observations kept to herself til the right time - it was a horrible car crash that took her, right after we graduated, and I remember hearing that there were survivors in the car, and her boyfriend was devastated and I know they still miss her and think of her like I do

10/01/08 10:37 PM #2    

Arinzo (Arnie) Williams

To my sister!
Although we were not related in blood she was my sister! I grew up two houses down from her and we were great friends! I remeber the summers when we would hang out on top of the street the whole gang of us kids. Me my brother Darriel, Dee Dee (Demetria),Bruce,Sean,BJ(her little brother) and the list goes on. It was a different time then. A time when you did not have to worry about watching your kids all the time. A time when the neighborhood parents were your parents too!

People do not know Phylicia was a private school girl and had to beg her parents to let her become a CAP! Thank GOD she was part of the NBHS family!

I never forgot getting the news she was gone I loved her beyond belief and still do!What made the situation even harder was that I had to tell my older brother who loved her more than I did if that was possible.The next hardest thing I ever did was to sit in her room with her gone and look at thE pictures I drew for her knowing I would never be able to enjoy them with her or that I would ever see her again.
Your Brother!

10/06/08 11:15 AM #3    

Demetria F. Richardson

Phylicia (Lisa) cut across the neighbor’s back yard when she first moved on Atkins Drive to meet me and we became fast friends from that moment…I believe she was 6 years old at the time. I’m struggling to grab at one memory because there were so many – we grew up together and she was a witness (and a vault) to my young life. I envied her and loved her because she understood “grown” things long before most of us did. She understood her worth, and I don’t mean in arrogance - she knew how precious and valuable her life was. No one could ever have a better friend if you were fortunate enough to know her. In order to celebrate the life she lived, here are my fondest memories:
  • Using her mom’s Fashion Fair lipstick to make clown faces and not understanding or caring it was $10 a tube. We both paid the price for that (thanks for being a kid with me).
  • Teasing her about her bouffant hair do - who else but Lisa could wear an up-do and still play softball? (thanks for being beautiful – inside and out)
  • Going with me to pick out my wedding dress and flowers, never saying out loud what a terrible idea it was (thanks for being a friend).

  • 12/13/08 03:23 AM #4    

    Kendra L. Watkins

    Your beautiful spirit will forever be with me in my heart. I don't think Winn Dixie G-stores were quite the same after the two of us. I will never forget our daily order at the Mcdonald's drive thu,on our way to school or the last min road trips to N.C.A&T, you were spending the nite with me and I was spending the nite with you. We both had the guts and I had the car.
    Kisses, Kendra Watkins.

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