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David Oettinger, Jr.

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Class Year
Residing In
Rocky Mount, NC USA
Two adult educated successful children and two grandchildren.

Our class started in 1970 but were closely related to Viv and the 1960’s brothers who frequented the house. This included Willy (a real education then and later (including getting thrown out in the Atlanta underground)), Hoot, Andy Barker (my “longest friend” in Rocky Mount since we both have lived there since the late 70’s), and many others. I picked Sigma Chi from several for one reason – Jake Marsh. Our mothers were best friends. If he enjoyed the house before his “free” trip to Vietnam, I knew it would a good place to learn and have lots and lots of fund. It is easy to look up to our “older” friends.

This was a transitional period at State and the house. We had the 1960’s still going on (lots of fun and pranks), beach and hard rock music, drug use increasing, Bible Study by my last year (could not figure that one out), gas lines, Vietnam, and a total change in college/fraternity life. College life totally changed over those four years from the fun loving 60’s to the outside world changing all of us. I do not know anyone who does not have fond memories (good and bad) and did not learn a lot about life, loyalty, and pursuit of dreams and success.

As a brief bio, I have been married for 37 years, two adult educated successful children and their families, and feel like many of you – time to slow down at work (not in life) in the next few years. I do have a law degree from that den of sin in Chapel Hill, have practiced law, and now as a CPA for 27 years. My practice is specialized in taxes, estates, business purchases and sales, and related matters (including Receiver and Executor). I spend less time at golf but still shoot about the same (78-82 – sometimes lower, sometimes a lot higher). I realized that the brotherhood of Sigma Chi was a first step to making your family a priority (and now two grandchildren as well).

The ability to take the education in life from Sigma Chi and classes from NCSU greatly assists in advising and helping others. It also provided a roadmap for what to do (and not to do) within your family. I am unsure how we all survived our time at the house, but we did and are much better for it. When I see any of you (usually Steve Marks, Andy Barker and some at the games), it brings back memories.
