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Class of 1979
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Tim Alberico
Ron Amenta
Jeff Anderson
Scott Anderson
William Baggett
Sue Baillargeon (Prusia)
Donald Barna
Lori Baumgart (Coplin)
Ed Bave
David Black
Martin Blanker
Scott Bond
Evelyn Carl (Gill)
Linda Cline (Bartholowmew)
Gail Colan
Cheryl Cox (Sortino)
Nancy Cross (Johnson)
Mike Cullen
Deb Dreith (Holst)
Mitch Durae
Robert Durham
Kelly Dusek (McKeever)
Carol Eischeid
Randall Fellwock (Fellwock)
Michele Fideline (Thelen)
Don Flott
Lynn Grobeck (Smith)
Vivian Hanel (Kousgaard)
Joe Herman
Lori Hiatt (Nespor)
Janet Hobza (Glick)
Don Huff
Ron Huff
Bryce Johnson
Kristy Johnson (McGuire)
Randy Johnson
Brian Krohn
Kathy Larson (Kraft)
Penny Lenz (Rotthaus)
Tami Ludwig (Saunders)
John Marr
Mark McKeever
Michael McKinley
Brenda McMickell (Novich)
Linda McMickell (Anderson)
Carol Miles (Novich)
Chris Moore (Drake)
Angela Moreland (Janecek)
Jim Morris
Diana Nelsen (Mertins)
Don Nordell
Denise Peitzmeier (Emal)
Shawn Peterson
Joe Porter
Patty Pratt (Orr)
Dan Prem
Mike Randoph
Roger Reese
Lisa Retzlaff (Johnson)
Rhonda Rolle (Hildebrand)
Lynne Rosman (Lyons)
Roger Runyon
Mary Sanders (Brown)
Chris Saunders
Kim Selvig (Johansen)
David Simes
Greg Slavik
Steve Sorensen
Chuck Spencer
Cindy Stanek (Davenport)
Mark Stevens
Edward Storm
Joanie Swanson
Kris Taylor (Pryor)
Gail Toft (Teshack)
Lori Trede (Bray)
Pam VAN Fleet
Laurie Vinduska (Galeski)
Tami Whitney
Greg Woster