In Memory

Matt Gammarano

Date deceased: August 31, 1993 Age: 20 Car Accident in Oahu, HI

My name is Craig Hays of St. Louis, MO. I'm not an alumni of Ramona HS, but was in the Navy w/ Matt Gammarano. We hung out some in the Navy, though I wasn't in his main circle. He was really cool and from what I remember very energetic and adventurous. I was transferred to another ship after the Goldsborough decommissioned around '93 & Matt, I think, finished his commitment to the Navy then but stayed in Hawaii. We didn't stay in touch but the news of his death quickly found me in '93..I was very saddened by that, for someone like him to die. You probably remember what a great guy he was. Well,when I think of my ole Navy buds he is always remembered at the top. I do smile as I'm sure his other squid buddies do when we think of him though it's sad he died way to early in life. I wasn't able to come to his funeral which I believe was in California. Anyway the reason I'm writing is because I ran across a pic of him that I've had that I only recently wondered maybe his family may appreciate the photo. His pose in the pic appears I don't know...stoic, I guess, but we were just goofing around when I took it. But, yet it turned out to be what I think is a good shot because he did look serious in it. We were entering port, San Fran Bay, Alcatraz is in the back ground.

My name is Michael Sturgeon. I served with Matt on the USS Goldsborough. Just when you thought you knew everything, Matt would bring you back to Earth in his own way. He was very wise for his age and very kind. It was impossible to be in a foul mood in this young man's presence.
One day while we were underway somewhere in the middle of the Pacific, Matt was laying in the shade on the deck beside the starboard torpedo tube. I walked by and he burst out in laughter. He explained that my walk was "too uptight" and proceeded to show me my walk. He showed me the proper way to walk loosely and made me do it as he watched. I'd walk past and he'd laugh and say “do it again." I would and finally my walk passed his quality measures. He smiled that huge grin of his and said, "Now that wasn't hard was it?" “Now do it like that all the time.”
Once in our home port Matt helped me move to another home. While we were driving back to my place in the rented truck we saw a baby sitting in the street, crying, wearing only a diaper. Matt saw the oncoming traffic and told me to speed up. He jumped out of our moving truck and whisked the baby up, saving it from certain death. That guy could move fast. I can still see the wide eyed stares of the people in the car that almost hit that baby. He climbed back into the truck gently holding the baby and looked in its eyes and told the crying baby it would be ok. Matt was beaming. We left for the police department because we could not find the parent of the child. He looked over at me smiling and said he hoped God would cut him some slack. A week later he was killed in a car accident. Matt didn't need any slack. He had such a kind, giving soul. I miss him. I served 24 years in the Navy. I retired August 31, 2006. I wanted my date to be August 31st. I will never forget my friend Matt as I’m sure is impossible to anyone that met him. Every year on the anniversary of his death I tell my family and friends about my old friend Matt so his memory will not fade. I can still see that grin of his. I used to have to explain that famous grin to our Ensign. He could have used a walking lesson too.


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10/23/08 12:56 AM #1    

Vince Gammarano

hey everyone its vince any photos memories are cool and welcomed posts

11/10/08 12:44 PM #2    

Denise Ragsdale

That is awesome...what a wonderful act of kindness for that young man. Matt will always be in our thoughts and Prayers!
A Buddy Poppy in rememberence of Matt.

01/04/09 06:12 PM #3    

Ed Muro

Some of the best memories I have growing up involve hanging out with Vince and Matt. They were like brothers to me. I remember thier dad taking us fishing and to the cactus society meetings. We use to work in the garden and just hang out and be kids. I went to Matts funeral and remember it like yesterday. That was the first time I thought about how delicate life really is. From that day forward I take every opportunity to tell my kids just how much I love them. Matt may be gone but the final lesson he has taught me, will let his memory live on.

Ed Muro

03/05/09 08:02 PM #4    

Jamey Gibson

During my senior year (Matt's junior) I was driving a few of us (Matt, Gabe Perez and Derek Drago) from school back to Matt and Vince's house to go swimming when I lost control of my car and hit an embankment on Old Julian Highway. Nobody was seriously hurt, I broke my nose and Gabe got a cut on his back- Derek and Matt were fine but I will never forget what Matt wrote in my yearbook after that.

"This is my first crashes anniversary, let's remember it."

A haunting entry and one that I think of often-

Matt was truly larger than life. He will never be forgotten and for those of us that were fortunate to have spent time with him, we will treasure the memories.


06/21/09 09:18 AM #5    

Lisa Carlon

That picture of Matt is so wonderful, it inspired me to write about him... I grew up with Matt in most of my classes starting from 6th grade on. He was one of the smaller boys back then, being a year younger than the rest of us. He was in that "soccer crowd", always wearing a blue and yellow warmup jacket almost every day of the year. So smart, so funny, even then I remember his sarcasm.

We became closer in High School. Matt was one of my 'guy' friends, although now he was one of the tallest ones, he sprouted up over summer vacation one year and towered over most of us. He loved to scream my name across campus, knowing how much it embarrassed me. I would pretend not to hear him, but then he'd usually yell, "I KNOW YOU HEAR ME, CARLON!!"

I remember the day they were taking pictures for the senior yearbook. Matt and Kevin McLain tried to pose in every group or club shot they could, Kevin laughing and turning red, Matt stoic and looking like he actually did belong in Future Farmers of America, as he kept singing "Did You Ever Know That You're My Hero" in between shots, our class song that year.

I used to give Matt rides home from school sometimes. He never asked for a ride, he'd just show up at my car and stand there looking at me expectantly. I would open the door, he get in, and off we'd go. Sometimes we'd talk the whole way, other times we'd just sit in silence, but always a comfortable silence, I liked that we could do that. When I got into a car accident on the way to school, I came late, a little shaken, and the first person I saw was Matt, with a huge grin on his face. "How's it going, Mario Andretti?", and punched me in the arm. To this day, I remember how he used to tease me about grinding the clutch as I drove stick shift in my red Rabbit. I still think of him every time I drive badly!

The last memory I want to share happened at a party at his house. ( I guess he's safe from getting grounded now.) I was having a fight with someone I was dating. We were in a room alone in the house arguing. At one point, I lost my cool, got up and opened the door, and for some reason that I can't remember now, I shouted at my date, "YEAH, I JUST BET YOU DID!!", slammed the door behind me and left the party. The next Monday at school, I was walking to class in the morning, minding my own business, when I heard someone shout at the top of their lungs across campus, "YEAH, I JUST BET YOU DID!!!"

Guess who it was?

In all this time, I have never forgotten Matt, certain songs bring him back to my mind. He will always be a part of my life and I treasure the time that I had with him. We should all be so lucky to have such a character in our lives.

I still miss you, Matt.

Wherever you are, I know you are still making people laugh, either WITH you, or AT you. You never really minded which it was. ; )

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