In Memory


Tim Hallett

Tim passed away January 13, 1997 in San Diego, California.

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01/26/10 09:19 PM #1    

Jessica Moon (Catanzaro)

I remember Tim from before I even lived in Ramona. Tim's family owned the old Poway movie theater and when I lived in Poway I saw many movies there. Tim was always there helping his parents even when he was in elementary school. When I moved to Ramona I ran into him one day and called him the "Movie Theater Kid". I called him that until we graduated. He was so quiet that he'd just smile and wave and that was it. That is how I will always remember him, at the movies and quietly smiling.

02/11/10 03:58 PM #2    

Neva Miller

No way. Darn it! Tim always gave me a hard time and I gave it right back... Then we laughed our butts off. Sad I won't see him.

06/14/10 04:07 AM #3    

Todd Taylor

I remember many a movie at their theater too. Tim was always so nice, always friendly. Too bad.

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