In Memory


John passed away September 1, 1996 in San Diego, California.


From Kelly Reed:  "John was a gentle soul who is missed."

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03/25/11 07:38 AM #1    

Armando Biondo

I had the privilege of getting to know John and his family better after we graduated. We lived together with 4 other friends on the island of Guam for 3 months. He was a very upfront and honest person with a crazy edge that I liked. He always kept me laughing with his antics and attitude. For those of you who never knew John his outside appearance had nothing to do with who he was on the inside. We used to joke with eachother because he called himself a rocker and I was a jock so we weren't supposed to be close friends according to societies rules. We broke boundaries with our friendship between his close friends and mine.

He was a good friend to me as well as many other people and is greatly missed. God bless you John.

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