In Memory

Mark Owen

Mark Owen

Mark passed away May 28, 2003 in Ramona.

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03/06/10 12:58 PM #1    

Debbie Rossbach (Powell)

I think about him alot. Friends in school, friends again once we turned 21.. many nights at Cheers with Carl S. or just hanging out at Circle K in the middle of the night as i worked the graveyard shift for a while. Riding thru the river bed in his truck, or out in the back dirt roads off Wild Cat Canyon. Huge heart, great smile, GREAT friend and missed terribly.

06/17/10 04:18 PM #2    

Shane DeGroote

A great guy...miss him!!!!

01/02/11 04:12 PM #3    

Jason Alstrand

 Great guy.  He was always smiling... :)

08/03/15 09:05 AM #4    

Henry Ebben

He was a great friend. He is missed.

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