In Memory


Danny Hrin

Danny passed away April 13, 1996 in San Diego, California.

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01/30/10 02:18 PM #1    

Jason Orlando

Soccer, heavy metal, and a great sense of humor. That's how I remember Danny. Seemingly without trying, Danny was one of the best soccer players in Ramona. We were on the same teams from grade school to high school and spent many weekends traveling around the county playing in leagues and tournaments. Danny was an enforcer - the kind of player that you were glad was on YOUR team. Danny loved music - preferably heavy metal. I can still picture him in his Iron Maiden t-shirt and checkered Vans with Walkman cranking. Danny had a great sense of humor and was a master of the practical joke, of which there were too many to recount here. I remember his family - his dad was a postman and reffed soccer games on the weekends. His older brother, Jeff, graduated a few years before us and used to give Danny and his friends a ride home after practice. I lost touch with Danny after our junior year and was deeply saddened to hear of his passing a number of years later. So, here's to Danny, a great teammate and friend. You are missed.

02/03/10 10:04 AM #2    

Christa Ferrick Fitts

Danny was one of my best friends in 6th, 7th and 8th grades. He brightened my day with his smile and his jokes. Always the first to start an ongoing joke, he would have to start another to make that last one stop. Danny was big into Heavy Metal, but when I became a “New Waver”, he only wrinkled his nose at me and then passed another note, which started a new joke.
I still think about him often.
Danny, the memory of you still brightens my day.

In one of the stars, I shall be living.
In one of them, I shall be laughing.
And so it will be as if all the stars were laughing when you look at the sky at night.
-The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

03/06/10 01:06 PM #3    

Debbie Rossbach (Powell)

This made me cry. We had lost touch but I would think about him from time to time as I would pass his street off Old Julian Highway. Friends from early elemetry school thru high school. I can still remember sitting in ISS (in shcool suspension) with him passing notes back and forth trying not to get into even more trouble. Danny was always just who he was, not caring who you were or what you did, a friend to you as you were. It is times like this that make you think just how short life can be and that you should try to keep friends in your heart and in your mind always. You are missed and your memory is always with me.

04/16/10 06:41 PM #4    

Laurie Jancsek

Danny and I were best friends since his family moved to Amigos Road in 1976. He and I were friends even after high school. His family is awesome and have since moved out of Ramona. I am still in touch with his brother Jeff. I found out about passing while away at school in Kansas. I miss him to this day. After high school, our lives went in different directions, but we still took time to laugh about us growing up together and causing havoc on Ramona in the summers. He was one of my best friends growing up. I still miss him.

06/14/10 04:18 AM #5    

Todd Taylor

I too remember what a fierce soccer player he was...without Danny, Skater and FreddyT, I never could have been the goalie I became. Danny was fast as lightning and always super-jazzed to be playing. The wave took so many.

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