In Memory

Dominic Ortega VIEW PROFILE

Dominic Ortega

Dominic passed away February 9, 1992 in Ventura, California.

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06/30/10 05:22 PM #1    

Annette LaPuzza (Moore)

I’ll never forget the first time I met Dominic. It was the beginning of our sophomore year and we were at a party at Frank Thomas’ house on Friday night after the first football game of the season. It was my 16th birthday, and a card had been making the rounds for signatures. Towards the end of the night, Dominic came up to me with the card in hand and asked, “Do you know who Annette LaPuzza is?”  We became great friends. It broke my heart when I heard, from his sister Corina years down the road, that he had passed only 2 years after graduation. Sacrificing his own life to save a friend, Dominic showed his kind heart until the end. He is greatly missed and I look forward to seeing his warm smile again in heaven.

04/21/11 10:08 AM #2    

Armando Biondo

Dominic was a very cool guy. As a football teammate, he always dipslayed a huge amout of heart. As a classmate, his quirky side always made me laugh. His mother and my mother became good friends from meeting in the stands watching our football games so I got to know him well. The only thing to really be said about Dominic is that if everyone had the same amount of heart as he did, the world would be a much better place. God bless you Dominic.

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