In Memory

Jill Johnson (Tritton)

Jill Johnson (Tritton)

Jill was married to fellow classmate, David Tritton.  They were high school sweethearts and got married in 1966.  She died on Nov. 29, 2012, from septic shock that was the result of colitis.  In David's own words, "she was my best friend and companion in everything.  She was the only barber I had from high school on and would not let me go to any one else to cut my hair because she wanted it just so..... I will miss her dearly."

If you remember Jill and/or David, leave your remembrances below as a memorial to her.

Submitted by John Buchanan, site administrator


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12/13/12 04:56 PM #1    

Nancy Tooley (Young)

David, please accept my heartfelt sympathy in the loss of your loving wife, Jill.  I know you will miss her but it's obvious you had many wonderful years together.


Most sincerely,

Nancy Tooley Young

12/13/12 05:49 PM #2    

Irene Hershorin (Burns)


    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family on the loss of Jill

    Bob and Irene (Hershorin) Burns

12/13/12 06:07 PM #3    

Marilyn Main (Hooks)


Please accept my condolences on the loss of Jill.  I do remember her from our time in high school and recall how nice she was then...and I'm sure throughout the rest of her life.  I know that this is going to be difficult but I pray that your family and friends will sustain you through your grief. 

With deepest sympathy,

Marilyn Main Hooks

12/13/12 07:33 PM #4    

Ann Partlow (Seale)

David,   I am so saddened to learn of the loss of your precious wife and one of my good friends from school, Jill.  I thought a lot of her, and I know how hard this is going to be on you and your family.  I remember her writing her initials next to your picture when she sighed my yearbook.  I also remember riding the schoolbus with you and Norman so many years ago.  You will be in my prayers, David, as you go through this most difficult time.


Ann Partlow Seale

12/13/12 09:17 PM #5    

Judith Roberts (Putnam)


     I can really sympathize with you on the passing of your best friend.  Please know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers!

Judith Putnam

12/14/12 02:12 AM #6    

Ralph Norman


I was saddened to hear of Jill's passing. I remember her as a happy,outgoing person who was

friendly to everyone. I'm glad that you and Jill had many happy years together. My prayers

are with you.

12/14/12 10:41 AM #7    

Linda Abbott (Buchanan)


I was very sad to hear of Jill's death, My thoughts and prayer are with you and your family during the coming days.

Linda (Abbott) Buchanan

12/14/12 08:40 PM #8    

Douglas L. Hicks

Dear David,

When a man and wife are as close as it sounds you and Jill were, you are truly as One.  I am praying for you that The Lord will bear you up at such a difficult time as this is for you and your entire family.  I know you and Jill shared a great love. 1 Corinthians 13 ends by saying, "these three remain, faith, hope, and Love. But the greatest of these is Love." David, you and Jill had, and have, Greatness together through your love for one another.

12/18/12 09:30 AM #9    

Linda Ellard (Hill)

David, my heartfelt sympathy to you. I remember you and Jill from high school and how genuinely nice and friendly you both were.  May God give you strength to deal with the loss of your beloved wife and best friend.

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