Festival Up-To-Date Line-Up!
$19.69 Early Bird Tickets, $30 On-Time Eagle Tickets, and $30 Late Eagle Tickets Are Sold Out!
2019 Punography Film Festival
Activities Line-Up
The most fun way to kick off your
RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Weekend!
Friday, October 18, 2019
Check this page often to see what special activities we have added!
- Eats and drinks
- Cash bar for beer, wine, and cocktails
- Soft drinks, iced tea, water, club soda, other non-alcoholic drinks, and refills (included in your Ticket price)
- Dinner from the Best of Alamo Menu with vegan and gluten-free available (included in your Ticket price)
- Guaranteed theater seating at the Alamo Drafthouse Richardson
- Viewing of The Best of Punography, a collage of scenes from fully restored vintage Punography films from 1967-1969 with brand new introduction and ending
- Fruit of the Loom: A Collection of Shorts
- Son Of A Betcha
- Betcha Can’t Eat Just One
- $1.98: A Spaced Odyssey
- Everyone gets a Punography Hall Pass to get into the Casual Gathering late!
- Get your photo taken with Dolly Parton!
- JUST ADDED! Billy Buttons will be our official photographer and will give you buttons with your photo that you can wear during the entire reunion weekend! A great keepsake!
- Ron Knight and other Burning Bush alumni reminisce amid a three-song set!
- Socialize with our Special Guest of Honor Mrs. Alsup and her husband Al
- Experience all three of our Senior Class Officers and Bob Fleming introduce Mrs. Alsup
- Recognition of the Roles of every RHS Class of 1969 graduate
- Meet and greet the best Punography Ltd. Directors alive today
- NOW MULITIPLE DOOR PRIZES – every ticket holder has a chance to win one of SEVERAL door prizes given out by our own Susie Creamcheese!
- Classmate spouses, signficant others, and life partners are guaranteed to have fun even if they don't know any of your classmates
- FREE PARKING at all RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Weekend events!
The Official RHS CLASS OF 1969 50th Reunion Committee will be publicly honored and thanked for their efforts!CANCELLED -- we are working on a suitable replacement!- More will be added to the line-up as the Festival nears!
- The most fun way to kick off your RHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion Weekend!
- After the Festival, enjoy socializing with your classmates at the 50th Reunion Casual Gathering at the Official Hotel Marriott Courtyard (click here to contact our Hotel Liaison if you have a problem getting the special $69 rate -- tell the hotel that you are with the Richardson High School Class of 1969)
But be sure to attend the Punography Film Festival before heading over to the Casual Event (now Casual Gathering). Don't make the same mistake that Bob made! (If you don't see the captions in the video, click the CC button at the bottom right of the YouTube viewing window.)
Check this page often to see what special activities we have added!
Click here to join the Punography Ltd. RHS Class of 1969 website and be assured of getting email updates on the Punography Film Festival!