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Forum: Captain's Choice Golf on 9/4/10??? [ANNOUNCE]


Captain's Choice Golf on 9/4/10???

Created on: 03/16/10 06:21 PM Views: 3788 Replies: 2
Captain's Choice Golf on 9/4/10???
Posted Tuesday, March 16, 2010 01:21 PM

Some of our classmates are interested in playing a round of golf early Saturday morning in the format of a "Captain's Choice Tournament". 

Those interested would need to let me know (Jamie Maness Lockard) so that we can make arrangements.

We would probably try and arrange this with Hunting Hills Country Club and any cost associated with playing would be separate from that of the Official Reunion Fee.

You can respond either on the website: by creating a response on the User Forum Page, or go to the Message Center on the website and send me a message or just e-mail me directly at

The sooner you respond, the better we can plan.

Keep contacting old classmates, it seems to be helping!  We're up to 134 now! 

RE: Captain's Choice Golf on 9/4/10???
Posted Tuesday, March 16, 2010 03:05 PM

Sure I'm down with that!  Put me down for two players for now and I'll update soon.  Never played an east coast course and was planning on playing on Saturday anyway.

RE: Captain's Choice Golf on 9/4/10???
Posted Tuesday, March 16, 2010 05:50 PM

i will play.  Let me know.