In Loving Memory

Gary Price

Gary Price

He died at age of 48.

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02/21/10 10:34 PM #1    

Thomas Black

Gary was a classmate through all 13 years in RR public school system. From early on and until the day we graduated, he remained one of my best friends. Gary was monumentally loyal, always there for you and would give you shirt off his back.

After graduation, we drifted apart. He alighted on East Coast, I on West Coast. He traveled worldwide in HR job he had with Warner Lambert. One day, out of the blue, I get phone call from Gary, saying he was coming through San Francisco on his way to Japan, and would i like to get together for dinner with him. That was in the late 70s. We reprised this several times, and, of course, he always expensed our meal. We ate at some pretty fancy restaurants. :-)

I sent him an invitation to my second wedding, in May of 1984. Not only did he RSVP, he said he would attend! Sure enough, there was Gary, wife in tow, in the audience. Blew me away. But that was Gary.

I learned of his death via letter from his sister (a few years younger). I tried to reach her without success, and I have no idea where she is living -- somewhere in Cleveland area, I believe.

Tom Black

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