In Memory

Richard Lord

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03/04/10 07:25 PM #1    

Charlotte McKinney (Eaton)

LORD, RICHARD K Feb 07, 1962 Feb 15, 1993

03/22/10 10:16 PM #2    

Boake Moore

Richard Lord tested positive for HIV and died from AIDS in early 1993.

08/03/10 08:43 AM #3    

Lisa Brown (Martin)

Richard Lord was my first real "boyfriend" and I have thought about him so many times over the years.  Although I didn't know he was gay (not sure I even knew what that was back then), he will stay in my memory as one of the sweetest, kindest, most loving people I will ever know.  When I moved away in 10th grade, he wrote me many, many letters that could have been written by a man several years older than he was.  His maturity is what made me fall for unlike most boys his age.  I reread some of the letters recently and they made me cry.  When I heard he "came out" several years after we lost touch, all I remember thinking was...I hope so much that he finds happiness and peace.  Maybe he did for a short while, but he left much too soon. You are not forgotten, Richard.

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