In Memory

Gregory Douglas

Gregory Douglas

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07/10/11 02:20 PM #1    

Brian Lueck

Greg was a great friend going back to our days at John Still Junior High.  Really sad to hear of his passing, RIP my friend.

07/14/11 03:10 PM #2    

Chris Einspahr

Greg was like my brother. I met him when we were 3 years old. He lived down the street and his mother was my first babysitter. Since I was an only child , Greg and his sister became my "brother & sister". We'd spend our afternoons together with friends swimmig , bmx'ing , making forts.

One of our claims to fame that we talked about was to be only in our 40's and to be able to say that we had been friends for over 40 years. Greg also loved to claim that we broke the Zipper ride at the state fair. They had to shut it down because we got too rambunctious spinning the cage around.

Greg never had a bad bone in his body. I can't remember him getting overtly angry, or saying anything mean about anybody , ever.

His passion was listening to and playing classic rock music.

I miss my friend daily.  Rock on, my brother-friend.


07/01/14 10:26 AM #3    

Glenn Sidener

Greg was my best friend thru the years at Kennedy. We had just gotten in touch with each other  after years of absense, then I never heard from him again. All the memories with Greg were great. He was my first roommate, my wingman. Life is too short. He's in a better place now.

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