In Memory


Al Bryant

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04/25/13 01:30 PM #1    

Al Tiedemann

I did not know that AL had passed away. I remember playing football with him at Stanford JH and at Sac High. He was one of the the best players I ever had the honor of playing with. There was a time when we were at Hughes Stadium when he ran the ball over right gaurd and was hit at the one yard line, did a complete summersalt and landed on his feet, and ran the ball into the end zone; but the referee blew his whistle and the play was stopped at the one yard line! It didn't matter because AL ran the ball in on the very next play. I miss the old days of playing football will AL.

05/27/13 05:38 PM #2    

John Brady

Al was in social studies class with me, taught by that old curmudgen & near genius, Robert Bergen.

Al was always in a great mood- happy, energetic, confident. He radiated good vibes & his football skills admired by all. 

I was in track- the long distance races, Al was not only a great football player but also a great althlete far as the hurdles and the short sprints. He was about the only football guy who was. 

I don't know what AL ended up doing for a living, but I'll bet he was good at it & enjoyed it.

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