In Memory

Denis O'Brien

Comments from Laurie Webb O'Brien

It’s been a year since Denis’s passing yet our family still finds it hard to believe...he fought very hard, neurological diseases are cruel and rob you one facilty at a time ..happily for us, Denis knew us all to the end...he retired in 2012 from Jones/O’Brien, a paper and plastic business he and his partner began in 1986...and then the diagnosis came. Prior to his illness we led a very busy life..traveled a great deal..mostly warm beaches...Hawaii being our “happy place”..Denis loved golf..played several times a week for over thirty years...single digit handicapper for many of those years...He loved life, his children, grandchildren, “Jack” rocks in the winter, gin and tonic in the summer..”light on the tonic please”.. and spoiling me! He loved life to the full..just as he did high school. 

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12/29/18 09:56 PM #1    

Richard Davis

Laurie’s description is very Denis.  I only knew him in high school but you always knew he was on your side.

12/29/18 11:43 PM #2    

Frederick Vail

Thanks for posting and sorry to learn of your loss. It sounds like Denis was, as they say, 'a life well lived.' I your remark about "Jack on the rocks,' in the winter. Living about 50 miles from Lynchburg, the home of the Jack Danilels Distillery, it's a frequent destination when friends and family come for a visit. I'll think of Denis the next time I'm there. May 2019 be healthy for you and yours. 


Franklin, TN 20 miles south of "Music City, USA." 

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