In Memory

Vivian Saverien

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01/24/15 11:40 PM #1    

Donna Gilliss (Crocker)

Gail Saverien was my first good friend after our family moved to Sacramento from Riverside in Third Grade.  She and her brothers lived on a farm near the river,off Fair Oaks. My husband and I  have had to go up to Sacramento for Education-related meetings throughout the years.  I always enjoy re-visiting my special childhood places.  A street named Saverien in a dense neighborhood of newer homes marks where Gail's property used to be.  

Gail's father, a doctor, had died before I met her, and her strong mother enlisted the kids for the chores.  I remember trimming chicken wings to keep the chickens from flying out of the coop.

Gail had a rope swing hanging from a tree.  You could swing from the river bank on her property out over the river bed.  I believe Gail broke both her arms on this exciting, but dangerous swing.

Since we moved down to South Pasadena during my freshman year, I lost touch with many dear friends. 

I hope Gail's life, however brief, was a good one.  I will always remember her and her friendship to a newcomer.

Donna Gilliss Crocker


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