in memory

Sandra Barber (Zietz) VIEW PROFILE

Sandra Barber (Zietz)

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03/09/17 08:21 AM #1    

Dean Sommerfield, Dds

Sandy is one of the good guys. She smiled a lot though. Fun Memories from high school. Sorry to hear she has passed from the living.

03/23/17 08:25 PM #2    

Carol Hanes (Smith)

received a note that Sandy did not know she had cancer.  Right after Christmas she and her husband,  Lonny traveled to the Keys, where they have a winter home.  Mid January she wasn't feeling well and decided to go to a hospital in Miami.  She  was quickly diagnosed with cancer and had 1 round of heavy-duty chemo.  She decided to stop the treatments and passed away 11 days later.  We keep Lonny and Sandy's  family in our thoughts and prayers and we thank our classmates Jane Imerman, Jane Peters, Sharon Hooper , Carol Jones and Kathy Braun for representing us at her Memorial Service in Charlevoix last Saturday.   We will all miss Sandy, she was always a pleasure to be around.    I also want to thank John Karam for sharing Kathy's note with me.   Carol Hanes Smith

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