in memory

Robert Quick robert Quick /Winston salem NC

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07/05/14 11:34 AM #1    

Carol Hanes (Smith)

Bob  was an attorney with Womble, Carlyle, Sandridge and Rice in Winston Salem, NC

12/09/14 10:48 PM #2    

William Johnston

Bob was my doubles partner on the high school tennis team.  He "bullied" me into playing on the backhand side--a tradition still held to this day.  A real class guy--very intelligent, thoughtful and kind.

12/12/14 05:26 PM #3    

Matthew Beach

I'm sorry to hear that Bob has gone from our midst. I remember playing tennis with him, and  being in class with him. We shall miss him.


--Matthew Beach

10/30/20 06:05 AM #4    

Gary Kreuchauf

Bob and I were in Mrs. Hamlin's English class. He had a puckish sense of humor. One day he wrote some doggerel that went something like this:

"Time is such a precious thing

It's something none can store

Yet in reading this, you knave

You wasted 15 seconds more"

And, of course,  Bob deserves to be remembered for far more important things. He struck me as bright, kind, and thoughtful. 



10/31/20 01:23 PM #5    

Jean Pierson

So sad to hear this.  Because of alphabetical seating, Bob and I were often in proximity in class.  I appreciated his quiet, thoughtful presence.  He ran deep.  I loved his sense of humor.  He was a master of the pun and, of course, everyone would groan.  Mrs Hamlin frequently came to his defense and would say, "Remember, Bob, the greatest compliment the punster can get is the groan".  

I recall one pun in particular.  Soon after the assination of President Kennedy, Time Magazine had a photo of Lee Harvey Oswald on the cover.  Mrs Hamlin brought that up for class discussion.  After many opinions were expressed by classmates, Bob raised his hand and simply said, "I think it was rather untimely".  

Rest in peace, Bob.

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