in memory

Paul Zittel

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12/26/21 02:40 PM #1    

William Ostler

I do remember him, but little contact at Arthur Hill - so no memories right now. Thanks for posting.

12/26/21 03:00 PM #2    

Carol Hanes (Smith)

12/26/21 03:02 PM #3    

Carol Hanes (Smith)

I remember Paul way back as patrol captain at SOUTH school   such a  caring gentleman even then.

rest in peace Paul   

12/27/21 02:08 PM #4    

George Partlow

My mother was a Zittel, and I believe Paul's grandfather and mine were cousins.  I remember Paul from Honors classes at AHHS, but he was very quiet and I can't say that I got to know him well.  Thanks for posting the obit.  I think he studied chemistry at U of M, and a couple of times in recent years I've tried googling him using that information to try to find some way to get in contact with hm but never succeeded.  Had he moved back to MI?  The invitation to donate to an ELCA congregation in Bay City suggests that, as does the fact that Case is handling the burial. A gentle and thoughtful young man who seems to have continued in that vein.

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