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Carl Brassow

Profile Updated: June 2, 2014
Carl Brassow
Residing In: Sugar Land, TX USA
Spouse: Sally
Children: Kimberly, Colin (both married and living in Houston)
Grandchildren - by Kim - Amber, Miles, Morgan More…& Zachery
by Colin - Kya
Attending Reception at MLS (05/23/14)


My occupation(s) and or accomplishments:

I am still working as an independent engineering consultant primarily in the oil & gas industry. Sally is controller for the Houston Symphony. We have been blessed with the opportunity to travel primarily in Europe (UK, Holland, Portugal, Belgium, Germany, France, Poland, Italy) but also to Beijing, China which was truly a trip of our lifetime so far.

Current events in my life:

Working on tow new projects for water treatment and mentally getting to retire sometime in the next several years. Sally and I would like to do some additional traveling and watch the grandchildren grow up. also be able to help in Houston area mission work.