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Corette Martin Forster

Profile Updated: May 14, 2014
Corette Martin
Residing In: Bay City, MI USA
Spouse: Larry
Children: Philip John 8-3-71
Fae Joal 3-6-75
Attending Reception at MLS (05/23/14)


My occupation(s) and or accomplishments:

1st job: Concession Counter person at a movie theater then 6 years in a hospital lab doing numerous tests plus phlebotomy till 5 mo. pregnant.
Stayed home with kids till oldest went to college
Worked in a clothing store 1 yr.
Worked at Burger King for 9 yrs.

Current events in my life:

We celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary on Easter Day.
My sister just went to heaven on Mother's Day.
Our daughter will be getting married on October 4 this year.
