In Memory

Lorne Smith

Lorne Smith

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05/06/17 04:16 PM #1    

James Witt

Lorne & I were teammates at MLS and roommates in our senior year so we had spent much time together.  I’m sure there are many stories I could tell but one specifically comes to mind - one I will never forget!  It was winter and rabbit hunting season so I invited Lorne to join me at my parents house for the weekend so we could go hunting with my dad.  We went out to my grandma’s farm and decided to split up.  Dad went one direction to the field and Lorne & I decided to follow the stream. In no time, Lorne shot a rabbit!  Problem….it was on the other side of the stream which was partially frozen.  We decided to cross and I fell through the ice getting one boot, sock and pant leg soaked.  We retrieved the rabbit and decided to start a fire to dry out my boot, sock, and pant leg.  Why let the fire go to waste, we said.  Lets cook and eat the rabbit!.  So we did.  My dad, having heard the shot, worked his way back to the “smell of smoke”  and could not stop laughing at the sight he saw.  There were two guys sitting around a fire in the snow, one partially undressed, eating rabbit!.  Dad loved to tell that story to anyone who would listen.


Lorne was a good friend, roommate, teammate ……. a sincere kinda guy who loved to laugh at just about anything. We reconnected at the 35th class reunion and had a little more time to share some laughs together.  I was truly blessed having known and spent time with Lorne! 

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