In Memory

Jason Murphy - Class Of 1988

Jason Murphy died, October 6, 1997 from a construction accident.

Jason is survived by his brothers Ron and Bryan Forgsen, sister and his paternal and maternal grandparents.

Jason was a 1988 North High Graduate

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05/18/08 03:02 PM #1    

Eric Carillo (1988)

The "Smurph." My fondest memories of Jason are from little league. We were on the Pirates. The best 3rd place team ever. Jason was always friendly. We didn't always hang out with the same people, but every time we ran into each other, he would always take time to "catch-up" for a brief moment. Truly one of the coolest guys I met. He will be missed.

07/17/08 05:41 AM #2    

E. Elena Bernal (1988)

Dang! Smurphy was always the sweetest guy. He used to run around with my cousin David Shipman (class of '87)all of the time. I think they got busted together one time trying to steal a Rodeo banner on North Main St. Nothing bad happened to them, but it was funny just the same.

Jason was a great guy and it makes me sick that he is gone. :(

07/26/08 10:54 PM #3    

Nona Calistero (1990)

I was shocked when i heard about Jason's accident my boyfriend works for the same conmpany. Even that i did not hang around Jason i had him in a few classes . I will miss not seeing him at the reunion he was a really funny guy and will be missed by all i am sure . Keep them laughing upstairs smurf .

10/11/08 03:18 AM #4    

Erik Diaz (1988)

Yup, the Smurf was a GREAT friend. We played on that Pirates team together for three years and had lot of fun times. The funniest thing that still makes me laugh about him is that he was ALWAYS diving for the ball for no reason. He'd wait for a grounder on purpose just so he could dive for it at the last second... and the whole team would crack up with him... A good buddy for many years and it sucks that he's gone.

11/20/08 01:28 PM #5    

Michael Chroman (1988)

The smurf was one of the best guys in school. He always seemed to have something good to say about those around him.

08/09/09 07:47 PM #6    

Bobbie Johnson (Russo) (1989)

Jason was a good friend... we had lots of fun times at Monterey short track races.......and I vagely remember some fun parties in high school...

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