

 Most Athletic: 
Ed Kesler and Kay Fink

Best Looking: 
Joan Day and Sam Nash

Most Dependable: 
Linda Kelly and Harold Newman

Best Dancers: 
Merrimon Gregory and Linda Sloop

Most Influential: 
Gloria Crook and Hayden Simmerson

Reid Tull  and Peachye Swicegood

Most Musical: 
 Genie Griggs and Bob Jann

Jane Simpson and George Shuler

Most Personality: 
John Sheehan and Pat Smith

Most Intellectual: 
Barry Shives and Nancy Owen

Most Likely to Succeed: 
John Angell and Judy Daniels

Most Original: 
Gary Edens and  Judy Shuping

Most School Spirit: 
Sallie Siebert and Larry Bowyer

Betsy Douglas and Jerry Hodge