Richard Bruce

Profile Updated: July 2, 2009
Residing In: Holladay, UT
Spouse/Partner: Stephanie
Occupation: Business Owner
Children: Maggie-8
Yes! Attending Reunion
Favorite 80's song:

Depeche Mode, anything but Blasphemous Rumors.

What have you been doing for the last 20 years?

Went to the U after school. After many years of roaming I started a business making plantation shutters. I sold the company a few years later. Married my wife in 1998 after knowing her for 6 years and with no job. Started making plantation shutters again in 1999. I am still in business to this day doing what I love. We have 3 kids. In 2004 I started a business making dovetail drawer boxes for cabinet shops. In 2005, I think, I finally got my degree in Exercise Physiology after the U said it would be the last semester to do so. I also am involved with Efusjon Energy club.
I love being outside and since 1994 I have been a member of Salt Lake County Search and Rescue team.
Life is good

Nothing, Just running a business,

School Story:

Learning our Algebra teacher (Nileson I think) was a surfer. Having Mr. Moyle make fun of the the VP. Hanging with the swimmers even though I don't like to swim. Playing baseball and getting my Varsity Letter the last week of school. Going skiing on powder days.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:34 AM
Steph, Maggie (8), Allie (5), Rachel (2)
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:34 AM
Maggie (8), Allie (5), Rachel (2)
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:34 AM
Me with my jimmy rigged derby car.
