In Memory

Nels Paulsen

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03/02/12 06:04 PM #1    

Natalie Parkin (Clements)

05/13/12 10:09 AM #2    

Bryant McConkie

I loved Nels.  He was one of my best friends.  We all spent countless hours together - Josh and Drew too.  I also enjoyed going to the U and car pooling with Nels, working at Spaghetti Factory, and our numerous outdoor experiences.  Nels will not be forgotten by me.  We will miss him. 

06/16/12 01:33 AM #3    

Marcia Egan (Peterson)

What to say about a friend who shaped  my high school years....Nels was fantastic at making everyone happy.  He was a little unconventional and that is why everyone loved him so much.  I have awesome memories of Nels playing the piano, Nels "MAKING PLANS," Nels' laughing snort,etc..  Nels was kind and always had that CAN DO attitude.  I lost touch over the years and that might have been a good thing, because I remember Nels in his prime and not through his years of struggle.  Glad that he can be who he really is and not be held back :)


06/27/12 06:56 PM #4    

Margaret Woolley (Busse)

Even though it’s been twenty years, my memory is crowded with time spent with Nels.  We hiked together, mountain biked together, skied together, water-skied together, snow-mobiled together, went to lots of high school dances together, roofed together, gardened together, but mostly we just spent a lot of time together.    Nels was a breath of fresh air and rarity among people.   He was pure, carefree and always exuded love and cheer.  And he was authentic.  Because of this, he elicited an authenticity from everyone he touched.  I know he did from me.  This was one of his greatest gifts he gave me—teaching me how to be authentic and helping me to understand who the real “me” was.  His was one of the most important friendships of my life.  I am so very grateful that I had the privilege of knowing him.  I miss you, Nels.

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