Suzie Shaw Martin

Profile Updated: February 10, 2023
Residing In: Mechanicsville, VA USA
Spouse/Partner: William E Martin, Jr. (Marty)
Occupation: Teacher/Retired Substitute Teacher now
Children: Sharece, born 1976
Sara Jane, born 1978
D'Anna, born 1980

I moved to Virginia, September 1972. I went to college at Mary Baldwin College in Staunton, VA. Although I lived in West Virginia for a short time, (on a 365 acre farm raising pure cattle and sheep. You've never lived until you have raised a sheep from a baby to adult!) I have lived in Virginia for 38 years. It is the best of all worlds....close to the mountains, ocean, and rivers. My husband is a recently retired bank president and I am an elementary substitute teacher in Mechanicsville. We have eleven grandchildren.

School Story:

My school story is not very interesting. Although I was very involved in the music program and all the school plays (except the very last one presented), I was very involved in my church and studying . I was quite boring.

I didn't feel like I fit into the school. My best friends, Margie Poll and Chris Atkin have argued that point but I know better.

I did have absolutely wonderful friends, Margie, Chris and Lois Marsing. My life wouldn't be complete without them. I saw them several years ago and it was like not a day had gone by. What a wonderful trip to Utah that was!!!

Current Classmate Friends:

Margie Poll
Chris Atkin
Lois Marsing

Favorite Teacher(s):

Miss Gunderson!!! She taught me everything I know about music and I have taken that knowledge throughout my life. I have consistently been in my church choir, dinner theaters (sixteen century) and bells. Music was my passion.

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Posted: Feb 10, 2023 at 3:00 PM
Posted: Feb 10, 2023 at 2:59 PM
