In Memory

Allen English

Allen English

Allen passed on the first of January, 2013 in Royal Palm Beach, Florida.

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03/14/14 02:14 AM #1    

Cristin Wells (Hines)

3-13-2014...Allen English!  Oh, my gosh!  I'm just looking at "In Memory" for first time in a while.  I hadn't realized your passing.  I just found that Johnny Eubanks is gone and I feel a great loss there.  I realize you, Allen, wouldn't even know my name or me, by sight.  However, I remember you very well in grade school.  I'm not sure if you went all way to 12th with us; I presume so.  I never had any classes with you in Jr./High school...  Johnny E. and I talked of you in a conversation at our last Highlands Class of '64 reunion, five years ago.  I told him of a most amazing catch you made [Little League-?] in Elementary school--I think it was.  It was a line drive, down 3rd base [as I recall], ...I mean it was FAST, and I was exactly in line behind the batter in spectators bench.  Anyhow, you put your right(?) arm straight out to your side and somehow, you got lifted off the ground and spun like a log in mid air about 2 or 3 feet off the ground...with that ball in your glove.  I'm not a real sports fan, but that was THE MOST AMAZING catch I've ever in all my live seen.  And, I think! you landed on your feet!!!    I was very like a cartoon...but very real...surreal.  I laughed and gawked at the site of you spinning like that.    Also, I remember that you were a fast, fast runner...out distancing grade school.   I was very fast - for a girl of that age, but I could never catch up with you.    I don't know what you did later in sports field at Highlands...  And my, how neat a kid you were...always!  Very spit and always combed and button cotton shirt always neatly tucked in.  I was very impressed.  I remember your blonde/reddish hair and your ever-present characteristic freckles.  You were a quiet kid who seemed to have a mission about seemed to me.  Well, perhaps your family will see this small tribute and be uplifted in your remembrance.   I do it with joy...a school mate: Cristin E. Wells Hines

10/03/14 11:47 AM #2    

Gersey Vaughn (Lammers)

I just responded to JD 's post and then learned of Allen's passing.  I have so many wonderful memories of Allen and JD.  We grew up together and went to Hot Wells Baptist church.  They were like brothers to me and am saddened and feel  such a great loss.  

10/03/14 03:21 PM #3    

Lanell Liles (Hay)

I just read the In Memory page and noticed that Allen had passed away. This saddens me, although we lost contact after graduation.  We grew up together at Hot Wells Baptist church and I have great memories of J.D. and Allen and many others in our Youth Group. 


10/04/14 11:45 AM #4    

Thomas Macias (Mayces)

Allen was a great friend and person.  We ran track together and started work together at HEB as sackboys.  I will never forget that smile on his face.  May the Lord be with his family and bless them always.

10/06/14 03:59 AM #5    

Jd English

Dear Christin, Gersey, Lanell and Thomas,

As we see often in HHS website comments, Highland Hills and Highlands High School were great places to have grown up in the 50’s and 60’s.   Super friends and wonderful memories. 

Thanks for remembering Allen, he was the greatest brother I could have ever wished for.  For obvious reasons everyone called Allen –  "The Good Son."   He was a great student, kind, polite, smart and an exceptional athlete.   Allen played baseball and ran track for years.  Coach Johnston and Allen had a special relationship – they were both long distance runners.   Often during our "swat’ sessions",  Coach Johnston would ask me why I couldn’t be more like Allen. 

 Christin, your description of that phenomenal catch was perfect.  Allen had catlike reflexes and he was unbelievably fast.  

Thank you all for your beautiful thoughts and comments.

04/04/20 12:52 PM #6    

Jd English

       JD English, Dale Jacobs, Allen English (HHS '64), and Buzzy Hall

Got four HHS friends together for a sunny afternoon flight in a vintage Stearman Biplane. Took off from Stinson Air Field and toured southeast San Antonio. Highlands High School looked great from 1,000 feet overhead. This was Allen's last flight.

09/02/22 01:10 PM #7    

Jd English

I smiled when I read Allen's note to Ruth Ann Degan on her mother's passing.

I have found the following to be so very true: "When you start making 'deposits' into heaven, it starts to become more real." Mrs. Degan was one of those ladies in my life/Hot Wells Bapt. who had that unique ability to make me feel like I was part of her own family every time I was near her. She was a 'sweetheart' at some very special times in my life and when I "get home," she will surely hear that from my own lips. Growing boys can always use an extra "mother" or two, especially when they start to "wander off course." Thank the Lord !! that He strategically placed Mrs. Degan in my life to help me navigate adolescence. I am a blessed man to have been able to call her a dear friend.
You are loved,                                                                                                                                           Allen English
September 8, 2011

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