In Memoriam

Betsy Collins (Brant)

Betsy Lois Elizabeth Collins Brant

May 19, 1953 ~ July 14, 2015

Please send your memories of Betsy and photos to Toni


Ms. Betsy Lois Elizabeth Collins Brant of San Antonio TX , passed away on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 at the age of 62. She succumbed to complications of Diabetes.

Betsy was born to parents George and Lois Collins on May 19, 1953 in San Antonio, TX. She grew up as the youngest of three and attended Alamo Heights High School. She studied Industrial Arts South Texas State University in San Marcos. She married Richard Brant and had 2 children. During her children’s school years
she was an Active Member and became a Lifetime Member of P.T.A. 

She enjoyed the spending time with Friends and Family. Going to the Rockport and Mustang Island
After her children were grown she fulfilled her dream of teaching for almost three years. She taught Wood Shop at Anson Jones Middle School, before becoming ill.

Betsy is survived by her 2 sons Collins Quincy Brant and Johnathan Allan Brant. Her brother George Collins and nieces Malory Collins, Tammy Rankin, Kimberly Hill, Stephanie Norwood and their families. She leaves behind numerous friends and acquaintances that touched her thru out her life. She is preceded in death by
her Parents Lois and George Collins and Sister, Cathryn Hill.

In tune with her wishes, her cremation has taken place, and friends and family are invited to attend a Memorial Service that will be held at St Andrews Lutheran Church, Saturday, August 29th 10 am, followed
by  a Reception at the same location.  

The family is grateful for the condolences and in lieu of flowers please make a donation to the American Diabetes Association in her Name.

Parents: George McDowell Collins and Lois Carpenter Dorchester
Siblings: brother, George McDowell Collins & sister, Cathy Hill
Marriage: March 13, 1976 Richard R. Brant
Children: Jonathan and Collins

Remembering Betsy ...

Betsy was one of my very first friends. She lived on Brightwood and I lived on Ridgehaven. I would ride my bike to her cool, cool house that had stairs in front to get to living room. That was so cool. We were in second grade together and kept in touch through the years. When I moved to SWTSU, she cooked the most phenomenal spaghetti dinner. I tried, with Debbi Furlow, to reconnect with her, but she never returned calls. I just always thought she would be Ilse. Love you, Bets Lynn Gillaspy ~ Lynn Erben Gillaspy

I knew Besty all through school [k-12]. She was fun and a good person. ~ Mary Goodnight Amis

I met Betsy at Alamo Heights High School. We hit it off almost immediately. She was already friends with Lynn Erben Gillaspy and Ginny Seymour Johnston. We called ourselves the Four Muskeeters although I cant really remember why. Betsy and I lived on the same street although blocks away but we were together a lot. We both went to Southwest Texas State University and roomed together for 2 years our Junior and Senior years. Then I graduated and got married and moved out of state. Betsy and I stayed close with phone calls and letters for years and years but for the last few years of her life we weren't close. Lynn and I tried to reach out to her but it didn't work. Probably it was because she was sick and was pushing people away. Since I don't live in San Antonio there wasn't much else I could do. I tried calling when I can back to California but it was just never the same. She was very sweet person and had a great personality and smile. I am glad she was my friend. Hugs and Kisses ~ Deborah Williams Furlow

Just found out a woman I used to babysit for has died Betsy Collins Brant. She was a formative person for me because she was just enough older than me to be semi-authority but way younger than my parents and, as such, pretty cool. Beyond babysitting for her, she used to let me just come over and hang out when I needed to get away from my family during my moody, moody adolescent years. She was funny and boisterous and a little irreverent. She was the mom of two rambunctious boys (Jonathan and Collins) who I loved with all my heart. She loved the beach. She seemed to me to be comfortable in her own skin. We reconnected here a while back, but I had no idea she was so sick. I haven't seen her in years. And yet, I miss her. I'm sad she's no longer on this planet. ~ posted on Facebook by Jay Nix, July 14, 2015

When my family moved to San Antonio, Betsy was one of the first people I met. Her sons and mine were close to the same age and ended up becoming great friends, even to this day. This picture is from my son's wedding April, 2014. It's hard to believe she used to babysit him! This group of women have known each other for over 25 years. We loved to get together at every opportunity, and our "book club" turned out to be a reason to socialize and drink wine once a month. Even at the end of her life, Betsy showed strength, compassion, and her wonderful sense of humor!
She is greatly missed, and I think of her often. ~ Julie Belton

Betsy and I grew up on Brightwood. She was my first friend when my family moved to that area. We were friends all through Elementary, Junior High and High School. When I found out that she passed away I felt like a piece of my childhood was crushed. I am saddened to see so many of our classmates gone. ~ Maryann Latunas 

2014 Source: Julie Belton. "Our neighborhood was very close. My son had over 300 people at his wedding, but he wanted a "harmony hills" group picture. We're so glad Betsy was able to attend."

2011 ~ 40th Class Reunion, Friday night at La Fonda
with Tressa Lea Lynn Billings and Donna Meurin Hopkins

2010 ~ Betsy, Lynn Erben Gillaspy, Deborah Williams Furlow

2001 ~ 30th Class Reunion ~ Friday night at Barn Door

2001 30th Reunion Barn Door Friday evening ~ Betsy, Ginny, Deborah, Lynn ~ The 4 Muskateers

2001 Friday reunion, Betsy and Karen Pogue at the Barn Door

Partying - date and location unknown

1971/1972 Freshmen at SWTSU - Betsy with Deborah Williams and a friend

Alamo Heights High School
Interests and Accomplishments as listed in our 1971 Olmos

Chaps 1,2,3,4 - Chaps Treasurer, 4

1971 AHHS Graduates ~ Betsy with close friend, Lynn Erben

Olmos 1971, Page 273 

Mrs. Mohn, 3rd Grade, Woodridge Elementary
Bottom Row: Gordon Stevenson, Eddie Giese, Tim Lee, Martha Barker, Cary Tucker, Betsy Collins, Mary Rodriquez, Arthur Busbey, Jimmy Hartwell.     
Middle Row: Mrs. Mohn, Mary Goodnight, John Holland, Robin Christensen, Bruce Bump, Shelley Daniel, Bobby Hollon?, Mike Adam, Camilla McRory.  
Top Row: Melissa Proll, Patti Denys, Mark Hamilton, Cynthia Savage, Paul Strayer, Tom Gruning, (Denise Root?), Tony Massoth. Not pictured: Winifred Reser

Woodridge Elementary School ~ Mrs. Williams, 2nd Grade
Bottom Row: Gary Kahn, Ford Sasser?, ?,?, Mark Sullivan, Jeff Miller ?,?,?,?
2nd Row: ?, Patti Jo Earhart, Judy Whitaker, ? Suzanne Brown?, Pam Jones, Sandra Westerman, Kathy Dreyfus, Patti Jenkins;
Third Row: Martha Bebee, ?, Charles Parr, ?, David Henkes, ?, Brian Turner, Mrs. Williams;
Top Row: Gena Dagel, Betsy Collins, Jeff Binney, ?, ?, Lynn Erben, Diane Webster
