In Memory

Edward Jimmy Martinie

Edward Jimmy MartinieDecember 3, 1970 to August 15, 1992

Cause of Death: Stabbing

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07/30/08 04:34 PM #1    

Dawn Dean (Pittore)

I was still in the Bay Area when I remember hearing the story of what happened to Jim. I often think about Jim's courage and strong sense of right and wrong. It still brings tears to my eyes to know the loss our world suffered by losing Jim and that that he could be. It is also a harsh reminder of the loss of the innocence and safety of my home town.

11/13/08 01:01 AM #2    

Stephanie McQueen (Quezada)

I agree with you Dawn, I was surprised to hear that Jimmy was killed on a local street, not that far from where I lived. I remember meeting Jimmy in elementary school. We had to take some (lame!) dance classes and he and I had to dance the rhumba together but we kept messing it up and knocking our knees together, then we got the giggles and that was it! I'll always keep that memory with me!

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