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Forum: The Dirty Dozen (1967)


special bonds

Created on: 10/13/09 01:49 AM Views: 754 Replies: 2
special bonds
Posted Monday, October 12, 2009 08:49 PM

It is Monday now, as I'm sitting alone thinking about you. wondering if you enjoyed yourself as much as I did this weekend? Thinking about how far you had to travel to reach our secret rendezvous. How much I have missed you and it seems as it has been forever since we've been together. We spoke of our past and of our future, the music was everything we expected, the meal was with old friends.

It is night now after an even longer day and I can still feel the excitment I felt when I saw you again, I still feel the energy you put off. My thoughts are still with you hoping you made it home safely. I never could of imaged that after 40 years I would still have such stong feeling about the people I spent so many years with in my youth.

Special bonds are what make 75 people drag their spouse all over the country to be with those who help each other make their way thru the toughest and yet will always seem the best times together. I'm now sure that it's not just me who feels this way. And if I am, I'm the most fortunate of all.

Love you all, John

P.S. Thanks for attending the Terra Linda Reunion!


Edited 10/13/09 10:04 AM
RE: special bonds
Posted Tuesday, October 13, 2009 04:46 PM

An amazing acknowledgement of an amazing weekend.  Well said Mr. Cullen!

Jim Hersom

RE: special bonds
Posted Tuesday, October 13, 2009 07:57 PM

It was wonderful seeing everyone! It is a funny thing how four years out of our lives can in fact leave us, even 40 years later, with such special feelings for people. Thank you all who helped organize this fun weekend!

Terry Pellegrini

 PS Loved the Music