In Memory

Wayne Sory

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09/14/14 09:32 PM #1    

Michael Lindsay

When I think of Wayne Sory, I see a green 1959 Chevrolet Bel-Air with the oversized "horizontal" tail fins parked on 4th Street in front of the 49er Drive-in.  I don't know if it was the large cherry-cokes or the double cheese-burgers with fries that attracted him, but on any given weekend, there was a good chance Wayne could be found sitting there at one of their exterior picnic tables.  Wayne and I were not real close friends, but on more than one occasion, he was kind enough to give me a needed ride home in that green machine (or spring for a cherry coke).-Mike

07/17/15 11:49 AM #2    

Anthony Wyatt

I met Wayne Sory at Burbank elemetary, he, I believe had moved to Santa Rosa from Arkansas. Wayne, really like cheese burgers and a cherry coke to wash it down. He also treated me to a cheese burger and was the first none family member to do so. Wayne was a big asset to our school softball team, big lefty.

Anthony Wyatt (MHS)

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