In Memory

Carol Thomsen (Babbini)

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08/27/14 03:33 PM #1    

Michael Lindsay

I remember Carol as the attractive girl who lived around the corner.  The Lindsay Family lived on Beaver Street between Louisa Court and McConnell Avenue.  Carol and her family lived on McConnell Avenue about 2 doors west of Beaver Street.  Occasionally, I saw Carol going in or coming out of her house, but I was way too shy to just go up and say hello.  In our senior junior year, Carol and I were in the same English class.  She was very quiet, polite, and would occasionallly say "hi".

Last evening (8/29), I was surprised to see that Carol had, in fact, signed and made a comment in my '64 Echo.  She referred to herself as #8 in our English class.  After a minute or two of reflection, I understood.  In Mr. Hansen's English class, occasionally we were given abridged scripts from stage plays, i.e, The Rainmaker, 12-Angry Men, etc., and assigned roles to act out in class.  During our "role play" of 12-Angry Men, Carol's part was that of juror #8 (I was juror #10).  My goodness, that was a fun class.  Thank you Carol for that memory.  

When I read the notice of her passing in the Press Democrat, it appeared she had a good and fulfilling life (far too short)  which included the good fortune of being a member of the Babbini Family.  - Eternal peace Carol.  

08/28/14 08:19 PM #2    

Marian Robison (Boyrie)

Carol and I got reacquainted a few years ago through Facebook. She was such a wonderful,beautiful person,and I was saddened when I read she had passed away

08/29/14 12:45 PM #3    

Nick Bastoni

Carol and I laughed about the fact that when she married Godfrey Babbini she became a cousin to Nick and I.

I loved how she cared for and loved her dogs, showing them all over the states..What a kind spirit she was....crying


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