In Memory

Rick Westlake

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05/24/22 08:37 PM #1    

Michael Lindsay

I have a few memories of Rick and his sometimes questionable behavior.  On one occasion, during our junior year, Rick showed up late to our J.V. football practice.  It was obvious that he had been imbibing with adult beverages before his arrival.  I think Coach Smith observed Rick's dilemma, but I don't remember if he publicly acknowledged Rick's altered condition.  I've never attempted vigorous activity in such a condition, but it must have been an very long and uncomfortable afternoon for Rick. 

I remember hearing of Rick's tragic death in San Diego.  According to my limited memory and limited research, (Curtis) Rick Westlake was born December 31, 1946 and was killed January 2, 1967 by a "hit and run" driver.  

06/02/22 07:52 PM #2    

Marilyn Durkey (Caven)

Yes, Mike that's pretty much the story.  Rick had a flat on Hw1 near Bodega Bay after dark.  He was fatally struck while changing his tire.  if my memory serves he was home on leave when this happened.

Rick and his brother Drew lived down the street from me for years.  They were good people.

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