In Memory

Adrean Hunt

Adrean Hunt

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09/01/15 03:32 PM #1    

John Camilleri

Adrean Hunt was like so many friends,she died way too early in life and add it to lifes regrets,a friend I wish I had stayed in touch with after high school. Our Fathers worked together in the flooring trade bringing the two families together for parties and barbecues and I remember Adrean as something of a tomboy always ready to defend her younger brothers and when I was at her house she would try in vain to get me to ride her horse like she did,rodeo style.She was tough for a girl but what a huge heart when you got to know her,a bunch of little things that just added up to a loving person,something I didn't see then through male teen eyes,but do now.We saw each other at school and sometimes after school,hung out at her house sometimes,tormented her siblings when we could get away with it.There was nothing romantic about our friendship,we were simply friends.After high school Adrean went to college,ran her folks Lampland store,married a returning vietnam marine and had two sons.One of Adrean's distractions was to work on and ride in her families plane,a grumman albratross seaplane that her brother Lynn and Father Jack restored and flew.Sept.29,1990 they were to fly to Clear lake for a seaplane get together when Adrean accepted a ride on another plane to Clear lake,a WW2 sub hunter.My friend died that day along with six other people when the aircraft nosed into the lake doing stunts.My thanks to her brothers Blaine,a retired Santa Rosa police officer and Lynn,a pilot and aircraft restorer for helping me with memories of their beloved sister.This year at the Wings Over Wine Country air show,brother Lynn will be piloting "Red Dog" a P-51 mustang,and when he does his flyovers,memories of a lost but not forgotton friend will come flooding back again. Rest in Peace my friend
















09/02/15 09:16 AM #2    

Barbara Overton (Malin)

Such a thoughtful tribute to Adrean.  We were childhood friends in Holland Heights, I lost track of Adrean after we moved off the "hill", but have memories of riding bikes up and down the "hill".  Sad that she left this world too soon, but it sounds like she remained true to her loves.


09/02/15 07:46 PM #3    

Lynne Suess (Linder)

Well spoken, John.  I did not know Andrean in school, but thank you for the thoughtful memories of her---R.I.P.


09/03/15 07:34 PM #4    

Cathy Panas (Hunter)

I was moved by your woderful offering. I dont remember Adrean, but comforting to know she is not forgotten.

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