In Memory

Carmen Alessio

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04/19/18 03:50 PM #1    

Barbara Beasley (Sugar)

I remember Carmen from Spanish class. So sorry to hear this.

04/25/18 10:30 PM #2    

Jason Wallach (Barney Goldstein)

In late 1971 I fond myself on the same bus going down to the Oakland Induction Center to be evaluated to be drafted and go to Vietnam. On that same bus was Carmen. We both wrestled for different reasons on how to deal with this evaluation. Carmen knew if he admitted he was gay, that he would not be drafted and yet he was conflicted with coming-out. We sat together on the ride back and he looked troubled but relieved. He had told them. As for me, I thank God I was not drafted and yet felt bad for all those who were not so lucky. I lost track of Carmen shortly after that adventure and saddened to hear of his early passing.

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