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How about Karaoke at the next reunion

Created on: 07/01/10 12:56 AM Views: 2114 Replies: 5
How about Karaoke at the next reunion
Posted Wednesday, June 30, 2010 07:56 PM

Hello everyone,

I was talking to Booker Black who I just recently found out to be a fabulous singer. As we were talking and joking around,  a seemingly fun idea emerged in the midst of our conversation .We were thinking how fun it would be to include Karaoke at our next reunion as an entertainment piece. Well I decided to to see how the rest of you all felt about it... and if you think it is a good idea, maybe we can all get together with the classmates that have been active in organizing the previous class reunions and see what they think! I have already mentioned it to Paula Mottley (Williams) and as you already know Booker. I am looking forward to see if there is a consensus of interest here... and as for me--even if we do not decide to do so--I will still be totally happy just seeing all of you anyway!!! I unfortunately have missed all of the previous class reunions so I am looking forward to this one!

Thanks for your time,


RE: How about Karaoke at the next reunion
Posted Saturday, July 3, 2010 03:42 PM

Sounds like a great idea Lolita! Karaoke should make for a very fun and interesting evening.

RE: How about Karaoke at the next reunion
Posted Friday, September 24, 2010 03:41 AM

Aloha David

Thank you for your response! I hope there are interests out there for Karaoke or  just maybe having a discussion in generating ideas of interest will be forthcoming in this forum. I noticed there have been  30 views on the topic yet only one response which happens to be you. I kind of hope this is not an indicator of "no interests" but we'll see as the class reunion time draws nearer. By the way... how are you?  Hope all is well with you and your family! Let me know what us going on with you! When you get a chance to --catch me up!

Hope to hear from you soon


RE: How about Karaoke at the next reunion
Posted Tuesday, October 5, 2010 06:06 AM

Hi Lolita,

It is great to hear from you again.  Sorry it has taken so long to respond.  Life is going great.
My wife recently broke her ankle, so we have been busy with her.  Other than that, trying to get my daughter ready to attend college next year.
I think the karaoke will go well as I am sure we have lots of entertainers in our class.

Take Care and keep in touch!


RE: How about Karaoke at the next reunion
Posted Thursday, April 21, 2011 01:05 PM

Hey Guys, As we have made our final plans for the reunion and was unaware of classmates wanting Karaoke, we will see what we can do. It probably wont be feasible to do it at the banquet so we will try to get it done at the Meet and Greet if that is acceptable.

RE: How about Karaoke at the next reunion
Posted Wednesday, July 6, 2011 04:02 AM

LOL...Guess I am a whole lotta late before responding to this post. Here is my take on the Karaoke potential plan, I think I might be singing out of joy without the the Karaoke machine! So I fine with it or without. Again for me the reunion is mostly about nostalgia and reconnecting with people I knew growing up! If the mode for singing presents itself unexpectedly, of course, most of us are use to singing or making a sincere effort to sing (such as myself) without a karaoke machine!


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