In Memory

Kristi Johnson

A Fountain of Joy in Kristi's Memory  (excerpts from a Dateline MSNBC article)

Kristi Johnson was reported missing on Monday morning, February 17, 2003.

A candlelight vigil was held on Kristi’s birthday, February 27. The music at the service was beautiful. [Two songs were sung, one “You Are So Beautiful to Me,” and the other “Hero,” by Enrique Iglesias.] The crowd that had gathered for the vigil proceeded outside to the courtyard while singing and holding lit candles. A circle of prayer was formed under a beautiful tree within the courtyard. This would eventually be the location of the Fountain of Joy in Kristi’s memory.

On March 3, 2003, Kristi’s body was discovered down a ravine in the Hollywood hills.

Kristi’s funeral was held at the Episcopal Church in Los Gatos, Calif. A simultaneous memorial service for Kristi was being held at the Episcopal Church in Saugatuck, Mich. A memorial service was also held later that week in Santa Monica, at St. Augustine by the Sea Episcopal Church.

An incredible amount of people had given time, effort and support during the search effort for Kristi. People continued to give of themselves and made financial donations in her memory after her death.  St. Augustine by the Sea Episcopal Church had started a project a couple years before to erect a fountain in the courtyard [which transitioned in to a memorial project for Kristi.]

The Fountain of Joy is still a tribute to Kristi’s life and a gift to all inside and beyond the community who gave so unselfishly during a time of another person’s tragedy. Many of the people who donated their energies did not even know Kristi or anything about her.

In addition to these tributes, the Fountain of Joy will also be presented to anyone seeking a place of respite and meditation from the challenges of daily life. The fountains beautiful final design, comprised of natural elements; water, stone and light, will evoke the essence of the project, to “Celebrate the Quiet Power.” How wonderful it will be to see a tranquil welcoming spot in the middle of a busy metropolis welcoming the human sprit to pause, gain strength and celebrate the beauty of this world.

