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Forum: memories of schenectady



Created on: 01/24/16 02:27 PM Views: 300 Replies: 3
Posted Sunday, January 24, 2016 02:27 PM

From Sandy Family:

Does anyone remember hanging out at the Rugby Road Pizza near Parkwood Blvd ?  2O cents a slice 
From Garry Adair:
Especially after Oneida basket ball games featuring the family brothers.. (trivia question for Sandy...which cheerleader did your cheer (Kris will remember if you don' may well have been her if memory serves me...did Karen do Doug?...Frannie had ??? Who remembers Gary Ingels...he seemed to be the top player...Who can name the 5 junior highs in Schenectady? 
Rugby was also a hang-out for "Central Parkers"
From Frannie:
My b-ball player (and boyfriend) was Doug Grabowski. I was so sad to learn, a few years back, that he had died.
From Kris Townsend:
My bball player was Richard Ruzzo, Michele had both Larry and Sandy Family.
Penny had Skip and Karen had Doug.
From Sandy Family:
Lets see:
Doug Grabowski
Doug Sayles
Skip Natale
Rit Ruzzo
Norm DiToro
Bruno DiCarlo
All I remember is we went 10-0
John Ziamandoris (sp) was our coach 
We all had different uniform #s on our backs but had a big "O" on the front
We thought we were cool 
Cokes and 7Ups at Rosens after practice 
From Frannie:
Does anyone remember Larry Pivacek, our music teacher at Oneida? (Blonde crewcut, tight pants, kinda muscular, hoodlum-looking guy. Who hired these people?) I remember how his fits of rage (and it was indeed rage, pretty undiluted) filled the auditorium during class...
From Garry:
Wow..what brought that up?
Yes I do...he was my saxophone teacher and band director (Paul Santulli was the other sax player) Did he also direct choir? glee club?
Very memorable were the "quartets" he required in music class...rather intimidating for those of us with limited vocal talent...yet I do believe that was the best I ever felt about singing...except in the shower...and perhaps Karakoe with plenty of liquid courage.
Who had Mr. Burdick for math or earth science? could hear him yell throughout all the school...and he cursed !
Best of all for crazy classroom was Mr Stewart for 9th grade history and no better place to take it all in than the seat in front of his desk for things only audible close range. 
Stan was "Schtanley"...Karen was "Sunshine", he had a thing for Doug Sayles
Next trivia which class did you get news of Kennedy assassination ?
Adelaide O'Connor...8th grade history? (English?) for me....G 

RE: Oneida
Posted Monday, January 25, 2016 02:15 PM

Adelaide O'Connor...9th grade social studies.  It was first class after lunch and she was late for the start of class, something that NEVER happened.  She took us up to Room 110 (remember that room/class) where we watched TV for a while.

RE: Oneida
Posted Wednesday, January 27, 2016 08:43 AM

Dave you were correct...9th grade English with AO...I was there too

Back to basketball...The actual 2 best players on that Oneida team were Gary Ingles and Skip Natalie who failed to get mentioned prior.

Now let's talk Miss Guernsey...dedicated...old school...effective ! ...and a hoot

How about best song from Oneida dances? Elvis Can't help Falling In Love With You... slow "grinder" 

RE: Oneida
Posted Wednesday, January 27, 2016 07:30 PM

A differing view of the song " I Can't Help..."  for us girls, that was a romantic song!

Loved those noon time dances!

We "girls" went Christmas caroling at Miss O'Connor's house, Miss Grnsey's, and a few other teachers houses.

Loved the parties at Sue Graham's house!