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•   Bruce Rauner  7/25
•   Arlene Briggs (Davidson)  7/21
•   Colette Kessler (Ross)  7/20
•   Brian Massumi  7/20
•   David Olsen  7/16
•   John Young  7/15
•   Russ Miller  7/12
•   Linda Hudson (Miles)  7/12
•   Kathleen Spini  7/12
•   Cary Quick  7/12
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Know the email address of a missing Sabercat? Click here to contact them!


Hey, Sabercat Angels! Consider sponsoring a teacher to attend or gift another Sabercat.We will contact you for name of Sabercat. Choose "Check by mail" for either Check or Zelle.






Welcome Class of '74 Sabercats!

      Your 50th Reunion Committee members and fellow Sabercats are so happy you found us!

      This is the place where all the information will be shared about the upcoming 50th Reunion Celebration.  The date is the weekend of September 13-15, 2024,  with the main event, "Better Than a Boondocker", on the night of the 14th. We have secured a venue and rooms at the Scottsdale Plaza Resort. To see photos, get details, and register for the Dinner Celebration, click the "Event Information " at the top of this page and choose "Better Than a Boondocker Celebration".  Other possible events are in the early planning stages and will be added in the near future. 
      The most important job we have at this point is to find our '74 Sabercats and share this website with them, and we need everyone's help with that.  But first, make sure YOU join and take a little time to write your profile.   Take a look around the site.  Help us spread the word, find Missing Sabercats, or inform us of any that are no longer with us.   More information will be added as we continue to make and finalize plans.  Joining this website does not commit you to attending the reunion. It's a great starting point to gather everyone virtually, and hopefully many in person later.  We just wanted to get the dates announced as soon as possible so everyone can put it on their calendars.

     With a class as large as nearly 600 graduates, chances are there are many we haven't met yet; and face it, no one is the same person we were 50 years ago.  We can't wait to meet you again....or maybe even for the first time.   












If you haven't done so already, check out our new survey!

Click on the tab on the left side "Survey Says...." and select "Lets Get Reacquainted"

Please fill out by August 20th, but sooner would be better!

