Survey: What's your plan, Sabercat?

      Thank you to all the Sabercats who have joined our reunion website.  Hopefully, you have created your profile and are enjoying seeing old friends or getting aquainted with new ones.  As your committee is planning the main event in September, we need to get an idea of how many are planning to attend. We also need to encourage those who know they will be coming to begin paying for their tickets as soon as possible (please), so we can pay for deposits as they come due.  We are also interested in what activities you may be interested in participating with if you are able to attend for the weekend.  

    We also want to see if any of  you want to be involved in the preparation as we get closer to the date. Take a look at some possibilities in the survey of how you can be involved, near or far away!  We  need everyone's help in locating any Sabercats listed that have not yet registered. If you have any way to spread the word, or can share any of their contact information, email, phone number, etc., please do. Our goal is to contact as many as we possibly can.  This includes students that attended with us, but perhaps graduated or moved before graduation. The more, the merrier!

   So...please take a moment and complete this quick survey so we can start estimating if we will have enough space for everyone planning to attend, (We promise....if you come, we'll make room!),   as well as hopefully  get involvement from you in other ways.  


You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

1)   As of now, what is your plan for attending the Reunion September 13-15, 2024

  I am DEFINITELY attending the reunion. Not even a pack of wild Sabercats can keep me away!
  I MOST LIKELY will attend the reunion, but cannot make a solid commitment until after the 1st of the year.
  I VERY MUCH hope to attend, but won’t know until May 1st, 2024.
  Sadly, I have conflicts with the dates, but will be celebrating with everyone in spirit!
  I have commitment issues. I am willing to wait until the final Aug. 1st deadline to give my answer, and take a chance of being stuck on a "Wait List", cuz that's how I roll!

This is not a commitment, but try to be as accurate as possible.
2)   If you are able to attend during the Reunion weekend, what are some activities in addition to the "Better Than A Boondocker" that you Sabercats would be interested in participating?

  Tour of Saguaro: My Friday afternoons used to be spent ditching and going to Cocos, but now I wouldn't mind getting a tour of Saguaro's new campus on Friday afternoon.
  Friday Night Get-Together: I can still stay up past my bedtime and party- plus, I could use the extra time to remember who everyone is! I'll be there!
  Saturday Golf Tournament: I just LOVE golfing in triple digit heat!! Count me in!
  Saturday Top Golf : I am not a golfer, but I can whack a ball and hope for the best! Sounds like fun!
  Saturday Pool Time: I'll be working on my tan as much as possible! Hopefully I won't melt into a puddle.
  Scottsdale Fashion Square: Air conditioning? Shopping? Eating? That's my style!
  Sunday Brunch: After a night of celebration, I'd love to recharge with a great brunch with my new found Sabercats!
  Spa time: A 50 year celebration calls for some pampering!!
  I have some other great ideas! I will email them to Yvonne (Dorosh) Lopez, Becky (Smith) Martinez, Rose (Finocchairo) Smith, Jan (Kowal) Coleman, or Brad Fortune.

Don't worry...this isn't a commitment; we are just trying to get a feel for what you all are most interested in doing while in town!
3)   Maybe you are planning to attend, perhaps you won't be able to. There are still many ways to be involved and supportive of Sabercats of '74's efforts during this 50th Reunion Celebration. Here are just a few!! Let us know what you are willing to do!

  I can volunteer to help find missing Sabercats! I have great detective skills!
  I can help plan and/or set up decorations with others. I have fabulous fashion sense!
  I heard a rumor there might be another Flash Mob dance. Count me in!
  I would love to contribute to the "Pay it Forward" Scholarship and help reach our $5000 goal. (We already have a little over $2000! )
  I am interested in Sponsoring a Teacher to attend the "Better Than A Boondocker" event!
  I would love to help with a Silent Auction on the night of the Event.
  I know of a fellow Sabercat who can't attend because of hardship. I want to help support them attending.
  I just want to hang out on this Webpage and interact with all the Sabercats I knew, fondly remember those who have passed, and hopefully get to know some new Sabercats too.

This is where we can shine as a class by showing our gratitude and perhaps passing on some light in this world! Again - this is not a commitment; just testing the waters!!
