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In Memory

Betty Weems - Class of 1969

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06/09/10 07:39 PM #1    

Keith Hodges (1967)

Betty was a sweet girl. I liked her a lot and she always seemed so happy to me. She was also a good athlete, and she and I played mixed doubles in a lot of tournaments. In mixed doubles, the opponents try to hit to the female as that is usually the weaker partner. When I played with Betty, they hit to me. We won several tennis tournaments together.

I never saw Betty after I left Korea. At reunions or times when I am thinking about SAHS, she always comes to mind.

Betty's sister Carol is on this website, and she uses her high school picture on Facebook. Every time I see Carol's picture, I think of Betty.

I miss Betty.

06/15/10 11:40 AM #2    

Terry Best (1969)

Betty Weems was an unforgetable person.  She had it all...brain, good looks, humor, sweetness, and a killer instinct to win at anything she did.  She stood out among all of us in the class of 1969.  I remember her being at my house located in UN Village where we both lived.  My brother, Barry, was home for the summer and she and him were dancing in our living room.  I took this great picture of Barry dipping her and she has this big grin on her face.  My Mom was there and she loved to talk to my Mom.  She was so special, so thoughtful.  In fact, our SAHS reunions are largely due to her and the seed money she provided when she died.  I will never forget her.

Terry Best, Class of 1969

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